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EU FP7 MC-ITN CleanSky - Network for Cloud Computing Eco-System

CleanSky is an Initial Training Network (ITN) funded by the Marie-Curie-Actions within the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union (EU FP7).

For more details, please find in project webpage:

As a new paradigm for information technology (IT), cloud computing is “a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services)  that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.”

Cloud computing is evolving and supported not only in small data centers but also over large scale, energy-efficient new computing infrastructures. Example scenarios of large-scale cloud computing include scientific computing and telecommunication services, where big data and traffic are generated and need to be processed in a cost-efficient manner.

CleanSky ITN aims to develop innovative ideas in the emerging areas within the “eco-system” of cloud computing: data center evolution, consolidation and service migration, and beyond, via structural training of young researchers. To achieve this goal, a unique combination of academic institutions and industrial organizations will collaborate together and create a multidisciplinary (computer science, telecommunications, scientific computing and optimization theory), international (four European countries plus USA and China) and intersectoral (public and private; education and industry) environment to embed a pool of young researchers for innovative research in cloud computing.

The specific objectives of CleanSky are to develop innovative methodologies and approaches (i) to satisfy application requirements and ensure efficiency within the emerging cloud computing paradigm, (ii) to optimize the energy and provisioning costs of individual data centers, (iii) to consolidate, when necessary, multiple data centers to a small set of cloud data center sites through service migration and cloud resource pooling, and (iv) to exploit renewable energy sources in cloud data centers.

Project Partners: 
NEC Europe, NTNU, GWDG, University of Helsinki, Tsinghua University, Nokia Bell Labs, UC Riverside, University of Science and Technology - Hong Kong, UNINETT
Publications of this project: : 
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{REINFORCE:} achieving efficient failure resiliency for network function virtualization based services
NFVnice: Dynamic Backpressure and Scheduling for {NFV} Service Chains
RConf(PD): Automated resource configuration of complex services in the cloud
OFM: An Online Fisher Market for Cloud Computing
Prof. Dr. Xiaoming Fu
Dr. Mayutan Arumaithurai
Tina Bockler
Dr. David Koll
Dr Sameer Kulkarni
Dr. Abhinandan S. Prasad
Dr Song Yang